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We all know how important security is. You do everything you can to keep your business secure, as do so many others. Despite that, breaches occur. Whether physical or virtual, security can be breached. However, one of the more overlooked factors that can lead to a breach is access control. Access control is critically important to maintaining the integrity of your location. In this blog, we’ll go over some ways that you can improve your access control. Additionally, we’ll touch on how our building access control systems in Anaheim and Orange County can help.

Our Building Access Control Systems in Anaheim

Many companies go to great lengths to ensure that their entrances are secure. However, once someone goes through that checkpoint, they can be effectively lost. No matter how tough the security is at a checkpoint, it’s best to be able to track where the people are inside your location as well. This can be a huge problem when it’s paired with so-called “piggy-backing” or “tailgating.” We may think of tailgating as partying before a sporting event or driving too closely behind someone on the highway, but it’s an all-too-common scenario where someone opens a door at your building, allowing someone else in by accident.

Lost Cards, Keys and More

Losing keycards and keys is a fact of life. No matter how conscientious the employee, no matter how diligently they leave their keycards or keys in the exact same place at home, people do tend to lose them. When that happens, it can compromise your entire system.  Even if the keycard is just missing for a while, it can be found by someone else and then cloned/copied or some similar procedure. It may seem like a PIN number or something similar could be a solution here, but those can be stolen or given away as well.

The Rise of Biometrics

The above factors are just a few of the many reasons that more and more people are turning towards biometric locking solutions. We have seen it in our business. After all, biometric solutions can’t be hacked. Your voice, eyes, gait and other biological factors aren’t going to be stolen, copied or otherwise duplicated. We can install biometric locks as well as many other kinds at your facility. Contact us at (949) 828-3008 for a free estimate. We’ll look at your situation, and sit down with you to figure out the best, most appropriate locking solution for your needs.

Wireless and mobile electronic commercial door locks have quickly become some of the most popular choices for businesses. The reasons are simple: they’re highly effective and they also save money. For example, what we think of as a “traditional” wired access control system consumes far more power than integrated wireless locksets. In fact, they use as much as 80% more power. In this blog, we’ll go over some of the benefits of these cutting edge, modern locks.

Our Wireless Electronic Commercial Door Locks

One of the best things about these locks is that “wireless” isn’t an exaggeration, it’s the truth. So, you never have to run unsightly wires through your business. That means that the locks can be up and running much faster than previous models. Of course, this makes the entire service less expensive as well. It can also help your general, overall security. Without visible wires, potential intruders won’t have a target that they can dismantle. Wi-Fi locks aren’t just the future, they’re also the present.

More than Just Doors

With these Wi-Fi-enabled locks, you can lock any interior or exterior door on your office. However, you can also lock cabinets, lockers, server cabinets and anything else that needs locking. This can be a great asset for companies with sensitive data centers, expensive retail items, and many other high-value targets. Many of our locks are so strong they’re used in medical centers, where people’s lives are literally on the line. That same level of security can be brought to your place of business.

Centralized Solution

Look over all the different kinds of doors and facilities we’ve mentioned so far in this blog. Now, imagine trying to juggle all of those locks with a set of keys. Those keys would be unwieldy at best. However, with our electronic locks, everything is all in one place. Instead of having to rifle through all kinds of keys to find (and not lose) the right one, everything can all be in one place. Access isn’t restricted to who has the key; instead, it’s restricted to those who use the electronics. This makes it far easier to control.

Audit Trails and More

The days of trying to figure out who had access to what area when are over. These locks make it easy to establish a clear audit trail. We can provide customized solutions to your area. For more information and a free estimate, give us a call at (949) 828-3008.

Electric door locks have become the security measure of choice for offices, modern buildings, and other commercial properties. They give you an additional, practically impenetrable security system that solves so many problems.

You won’t have to worry about losing keys, unauthorized access, and being at risk of forced entry. It is also easy to track who came in at what day and times.

How do we define electric locks?

Unlike physical locks, which rely on physical movement of a key within a lock, electric locks depend on an electrical impulse. Electromagnets and small motors are the most popular types of power generators found within an electronic access control system. Skeptics usually wonder what happens if the power cuts suddenly.

The access control systems have a battery backup which lasts 2-5 hours depending on the locking system. Once power is restored, these backup batteries automatically recharge. In addition, keyless door locks usually have the choice of fail-secure and fail-safe. You can choose whether you want the electric lock to unlock in case of power outage automatically, or to stay locked until the power comes back.

Every electric lock depends on an access point to grant access. This can be an electronic security key card system, an intercom, Bluetooth readers or iris scanner.

What about emergency access?

As we’ve mentioned above, electric locks open when the access control product activates an electronic impulse. For every electronic lock, there can be only one form of access, as it responds to just one triggered electric impulse.

Many locks have the option of providing emergency access. These can come in the form of a unique electronic keycard, an emergency code and more.

In case of fires, floods, and other disasters, it’s essential to be able to leave (or enter) the premises as quickly as possible.

The most popular electronic access control systems

With the input of a pre-defined and shared code, a person can bypass the lock. Various models of locks enable different password lengths as well as some additional commands. They’re probably the most widely used form of electronic lock.

This type of access is unique because it can’t be controlled by the person entering. The property owner/receptionist/security guard can grant or refuse access. There are options of video intercom or 2-way voice only to determine the identity of the person trying to gain access.

With a keycard scanner, any authorized person can enter a facility. Each plastic card or fob is encoded so that the scanner may recognize it and trigger the electric impulse. They are the best for offices and large commercial buildings.

These electronic access control methods are by far the most expensive and most advanced. They provide the highest level of security as every person has a different fingerprint, voice, and iris. Therefore, they are used in government facilities and laboratories.

Install an electric lock

For many years, we have been a provider of top-quality access control services to the citizens of Orange County and Anaheim. If you want to install an electric lock system, call at (949) 828-3008 and book our expert locksmiths today!

Every office or facility has multiple entrance points, but none are more open than doors. Because it’s the most vulnerable part of the office’s security system, it needs to be locked.

One of the most popular choices is to have an electronic doors lock installed and ensure your security. Here’s what you must take into consideration during the process.

  1.    An investment in an electric lock increases safety

Having a secure front office door lock system is much more than just protecting one single pathway into the workplace. Instead, every electronic lock system functions as a deterrent for all kinds of threats. When a burglar attempts to break into the office, they will quickly give up once they see a professional electronic lock.

If you’re locking a door with just a physical key, think about investing in an electronic security key card system.

  1.    Fixing the electric lock appropriately

An important thing to consider when choosing an electric lock is the location of the installation. Some models are specialized for standard doors, whereas other electronic locks are more suitable for outside swinging gates, rollup gates, and glass doors.

Call us with your intended locations, and we can advise you on the right type of electric lock right away.

  1.    Usage of the door lock

One other factor when choosing an electric lock is the use of the targeted door. How many people go through it every day? Is it the main entrance or not? If it is the main entrance and there is a lot of movement, then you might want an automatic relock feature.

Since so many people are using it, you will want to make the locking process more accessible and more secure.

  1.    Make sure the door is in good health

Even the most state of the art lock is an inefficient security measure if the door is not strong enough. Remember, the lock works with the door in unison to prevent any break-ins. A sturdy door is a foundation for every active electric lock.

  1.    The preferred way of unlocking the door

Our electronic access control systems come in many forms. If you opt for our access control service, you can choose from a variety of ways to unlock the door. The most popular options are a keypad, a special card and bluetooth readers.

In recent years, fingerprint scans and iris scans have become increasingly popular as methods of unlocking your electronic door lock.

  1.    The opening mode of your door

Our team of specialized locksmiths is always ready to work with you on picking the right opening mode. It’s important to consider the process of making your place of business more secure.

You can rely on control sensors or a short electric impulse which opens the door automatic. Options are also available for unlocking your doors using your phone from anywhere in the world!

Upgrade your security today!

Call (949) 828-3008 if you want to discuss the installment of any electronic or biometric lock. We provide top quality commercial services in Anaheim and Orange County. We’re at your disposal.

Contrary to popular belief, homes are not the only targets of break-ins. Offices contain many valuable files, reports and other items that are of interest to burglars.

To improve the security of the entire facility, you need a good office door lock system. How do you know which ones are most suitable for your needs? Let’s take a look.

  1. Intercom systems

For offices both big and small, intercom systems are the most popular form of electronic door locks. Having an open door at all times is a significant security hazard. With an installed intercom, you can decide who gains access to your building and who does not.

People can identify themselves, whether they are employees or clients, and gain access. Intercoms are best paired with a security guard monitoring the entrance.

If there is a security issue, you can refuse to permit access and easily dispatch guards or call the authorities. It’s best to combine an intercom system with other electric lock types, especially keypads and card scanners.

Employees can use different forms of access, whereas customers can identify themselves via quick voice communication.

  1. Keypads and digital locks

One of the best electronic access control systems is a keypad. It’s perhaps the most natural keyless entry system. Our team can discuss the available codes and set one for an office as per request.

For offices that have a lot of people going in and out, it is recommended to use an illogical but shortcode. If your office is small, a more complex code would be fitting.

  1. Card entry scanner

An electronic security key card system is one of the most popular security choices for companies around the world. It’s by far the quickest form of the entrance to your office, with just one touch of an electronic key card providing access. More important office complexes prefer this form of the electronic door lock, as it removes the need for creating photo ID cards and hiring more security.

Card keys are easy to create and can get replaced if an existing employee has lost theirs. With a video surveillance system, you can additionally determine the identity of the person.

  1. Fingerprint electric lock

This advance office door lock system is used for offices that are at a higher risk of a system to limit access to their facilities strictly.

If you have a lot of clients and visitors coming, a fingerprint lock will slow things down drastically. It’s best if you use this form of lock if you don’t welcome a lot of clients or if your office a lot of sensitive objects, files and other types of information

  1. Make your office more secure today!

Over the years, we’ve established our self as the best access control service in Anaheim and Orange County.

With just one call, our expert team of technicians can consult you on the ideal electric lock for your office. Call at (949) 828-3008 for questions, consulting and booking your electronic lock installation.

The electronic commercial door locks that we offer can help with a wide variety of different locations. One particular kind of commercial building that our locks help with quite a bit is shopping malls. That’s true for a variety of reasons. Shopping malls all overuse our locks to keep their items and shoppers secure. In this blog, we’ll go over how our locks aid malls as well as how they can provide security in many different situations.

Electronic Commercial Door Locks for Malls

A shopping mall is unlike any other kind of building. There’s so much that goes into a shopping mall. Few other kinds of buildings have so many different kinds of establishments in them. Shopping malls have movie theaters, gyms, bookstores, furniture stores and so many other kinds of shops. They also have much more than shops, too. Some malls even have complete amusement parks, daycare, recording studios and so much else. For our locks to work for shopping malls, they have to be able to keep all of those kinds of buildings secure.

Electronic Locks

Many shopping malls use our electronic access control systems. You may have heard of this kind of lock before, as it’s also called “keyless access control.” What sets these locks apart from others is that they are both secure and simple. They don’t require someone having to hold onto a whole bunch of different kinds of keys or anything like that. These locks make it so that they can all be managed from just one place, one simple, single interface. That makes assignments easy, among many other facets of simplicity.

How These Locks Work

We mention that these locks don’t require keys. In fact, their flexibility is one of their most popular traits. They can be opened with a key card, but they can also be opened with a personal identification number as well. That’s only the beginning of their flexibility however. They can be made specific to the users at a given time. So, if you want to give access to a delivery worker or a temp employee for only a given period of time, that’s possible. If you have a morning shift and a night shift, each of those employees can also be given access solely for the times that they’re on the job. These locks put the users in control.

A Lock You Can Track

Part of what makes these kinds of locks so unique is that they provide complete accountability. You can know who entered when and whether they were supposed to. They provide a complete audit trail. So, every entrance and exit is monitored as well as fully recorded. You won’t have to look far or search for this information, either. Generating reports can be done with just the press of a button. You do that, and you can see everyone who came to any door or came out through it at any time.

Putting in commercial door locks shouldn’t be difficult. It should not be, under any circumstances, the kind of thing that requires a business to be shuttered for any length of time. That’s part of why we made these security locks so easy to put in. Then, they’re easily given to each tenant. So, each tenant is given their number, and they’re ready to go. They don’t have to get used to a key or have anything to remember beyond the door. Plus, when you give a tenant a number, you put them in control of their own security. They can manage their own doors, they can manage their access permissions, and they can make all of the choices they have to for their business and security.

These locks can work in multiple ways. Some of our clients opt for an “access control keypad.” These use personal identification numbers. People just type them into the keypad and open the door. Since each person has a unique number, it’s easy to track who comes in and out. Another option that customers available themselves of is the card reader. The same principle as you might be used to a card is used; it opens the door and lets the person in. This also makes deactivation easy, as a person’s access can be revoked in just the press of a button.

We understand that not every shopping mall will know exactly what kind of security solution they want. That’s why we like working in shopping malls in Orange County and other commercial locations. We love sitting down with prospective clients to figure out how we can best provide them with the security they deserve. Feel free to contact us for more information or to get started with your door locks by giving us a call at (949) 828-3008 or heading to our commercial door lock website.

Security is critical to your business. No matter what kind of business you run, for it to thrive and be successful, it has to be secure. It’s impossible to run a store, office, or any other kind of commercial location if it doesn’t have adequate security. In the old days, perhaps a lock and key were good enough, but that era is long gone by now. To secure your commercial location, you need a new kind of security. That’s where we come in. Our electronic commercial door locks are just one of the products we offer to ensure that your commercial location is secure at all times.

Strong Electronic Commercial Door Locks

When we say “electronic commercial door locks,” the phrase can mean many things. The “locks” doesn’t just have to mean a lock and key. With recent advancements in technology, there are so many more different kinds of commercial locks available than ever before. For example, card key systems are some of the most popular. To get access to your commercial establishment, a person would need the right card key. If they don’t have it, they aren’t getting in.

Best Keyless Door Entry System

One of our most popular and more comprehensive door locks involves the “biometric system.” While it may sound like something from science fiction, all it means is that the locks recognize people by distinct, unique individual characteristics that can be measured. As you might imagine, that includes features like a person’s fingerprint, the iris of their eye, or other facial features. As you might imagine, these systems are nigh impossible to breach.

Commercial Keyless Door Locks You Can Trust

Biometric locks are popular for a wide variety of reasons. For one thing, these locks are simpler than most. They totally eliminate any need for having to remember keypad codes or access control cards. Instead of your employees getting to work and then realizing they forgot their ID at home, they literally can’t forget to bring their ID with them. There’s also no way whatsoever that they can share their method of entry with others.

Biometric Access Control System Advantages

One of the best features of biometric electronic commercial door locks is accountability. You can control and know exactly who is allowed in what area at what time. On top of that, these locks are powerful, strong and secure. To explore our door lock options further, call us at (800)675-3015 or go to our website.

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