Many gyms and fitness centers nowadays are open 24 hours which means access for both your members and staff needs to be not only easy and efficient at all times of the day, but you will also need to create an environment that makes your member feels save when working out at 2:00 AM!
Unique Control Challenges for Gyms and Fitness Centers:
24-Hour Access
Provide easy access for your members 24/7 to allow for a frequent and smooth process of members checking in and out.
Keypads can even be used to operate and manage individual lockers. This allows for more secure access, as well as advances the security by reducing lost or stolen locker keys.
Restricted Access for Members, Staff, and Guests
Some members are only allowed in certain fitness areas, while your staff will need to have access to the fitness areas as well as the back rooms.
Restricted Access for Cleaning Crews
Cleaning crews will need to have access to the rooms they need to work on when scheduled.
Fitness Centers and Gyms Access Control System Options
Master Key System This system requires using individual keys for each door and a master key to open all doors. Unfortunately, this relies on mechanical locks and physical keys, which may sometimes be compromised with one missing key. Therefore, it may necessitate a locksmith to change the locks, which results in additional cost for the owner and hassle for all staff and members.
However, the new computerized master key system eliminates this hassle for both owners and staff, and members. Computer software keeps track of all keys used in the system. Individual keys are code stamped with an ID label. This makes it possible to keep track of the keys.
A Better Solution
Electronic Access Control Systems (Keyless Access Control)
An integrated electronic access control system greatly simplifies the management of access control in gyms and fitness centers. Access-controlled doors can be managed from a single interface. It makes it easy to assign doors to members, staff, and cleaning crews and to create doors that both members, staff, and cleaning crews can share.
Advantages of an Electronic Access Control System
Easy Set Up
With an integrated electronic access control system, it becomes easy to assign doors to members and staff. This also allows for an easy transition to add more members or staff and remove old members and staff. Members can access the workout areas, locker rooms, and community areas, while staff members can have additional access to all necessary areas within the fitness center or gym.
With this system, it is possible to issue a credential (key card, FOB, or PIN) with permissions specific for staff members and cleaning crews. It allows management to restrict access for employees to just the operating hours or makes it possible for cleaning crews to enter common areas after hours. Or allow temporary access for contractors to specific areas and within a specified time only.
Full Audit Trail
With an electronic access control system, a master system controls all doors and closely monitors all entries and exits for each credential issued. It makes it not only possible but easy to quickly generate reports on demand that show Who entered Where and When.
Types of Electronic Access Control Systems
In deciding on the type of keyless access control system to use, it is important to consider specific business security needs. There are 3 basic types:
Access Control Keypads
Individual PINS are used and entered on a keypad. By issuing unique codes for each person, it becomes not only possible to trace it to an individual should a problem or security breach occur but also allow or deny access to certain areas.
Access Control Card Reader
Individuals are issued key cards or fobs, which are used on a card reader to gain entry. It is possible to issue different cards depending on who, where, and how they will be used. In case of loss, it is easy to deactivate, and therefore reducing the risk of unauthorized access.
Mobile Access Control
We have seen an increase in the use of Bluetooth to control access. By using smartphones as credentials, the need for keys, fobs, or access cards is reduced. Using mobile to control access provides a new level of security because they are nearly impossible to duplicate.
Action 1st Offers the Commercial Access Control for Gyms in Orange County, CA
Call us today at (949) 828-3008 for a free onsite review and estimate for complete access control systems installation.