Different Kinds of Cards Can Be Issued. With an electronic access system, it becomes possible to issue a card with permissions specific to how it is going to be used. Listed below are the types of cards and their practical applications:
This grants hotel guest access to his room and is used to access the public areas that are off limits to non-hotel guests such as the swimming pool, gym, the steam room, the parking lot, etc. It can further be configured so that card holders are allowed or restricted access to certain hotel floors. Some hotels have special floors (some are referred to as Club Floors) where there are certain extra amenities that only select hotel patrons can gain access to. Card readers in elevators allow hotels to do this. A guest card is programmed so as to become invalid upon check-out.
Depending on the function and duties of the holder, this enables access to facilities or areas configured in the system. This is given to room attendants so they can open rooms to clean while it is not occupied by guests. Their access cards may also be able to open pantries for cleaning supplies and linens. Kitchen staff may hold access cards to open stockrooms and kitchen pantries. Engineering staff may hold cards to access boiler and machine rooms. Since an audit trail is created for each card, it becomes possible to track the movement of each staff person within the hotel resulting in greater security.
This enables opening of any door except when the status is “Blocked”. Normally issued to employees with a higher scope of responsibilities such as Housekeeping supervisors, Guest Services managers and similar positions. A card with higher access priority is also issued that can open rooms even if the status is “Blocked”.
This grants access to specific areas or rooms in the hotel and expire at a certain time or date. In what situations are the temporary access card used?
* Hotels issue this type of card to guests who may be attending a certain function within the premises for the day. This makes it possible to control the movement to just certain areas and limit access to areas intended for just in-house guests.
* This temporary access card can also be issued to contractual workers so that their access expires with the termination of the contract.
* Service providers contracted by the hotel are also provided this type of card so their access is just limited to a very specific area and for very specific time period.
All doors are controlled by a master system that closely monitors all doors. The system creates an audit trail for each and every card issued. Reports can be generated at any time to indicate Who entered Where and When.