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Electric door locks have become the security measure of choice for offices, modern buildings, and other commercial properties. They give you an additional, practically impenetrable security system that solves so many problems.

You won’t have to worry about losing keys, unauthorized access, and being at risk of forced entry. It is also easy to track who came in at what day and times.

How do we define electric locks?

Unlike physical locks, which rely on physical movement of a key within a lock, electric locks depend on an electrical impulse. Electromagnets and small motors are the most popular types of power generators found within an electronic access control system. Skeptics usually wonder what happens if the power cuts suddenly.

The access control systems have a battery backup which lasts 2-5 hours depending on the locking system. Once power is restored, these backup batteries automatically recharge. In addition, keyless door locks usually have the choice of fail-secure and fail-safe. You can choose whether you want the electric lock to unlock in case of power outage automatically, or to stay locked until the power comes back.

Every electric lock depends on an access point to grant access. This can be an electronic security key card system, an intercom, Bluetooth readers or iris scanner.

What about emergency access?

As we’ve mentioned above, electric locks open when the access control product activates an electronic impulse. For every electronic lock, there can be only one form of access, as it responds to just one triggered electric impulse.

Many locks have the option of providing emergency access. These can come in the form of a unique electronic keycard, an emergency code and more.

In case of fires, floods, and other disasters, it’s essential to be able to leave (or enter) the premises as quickly as possible.

The most popular electronic access control systems

With the input of a pre-defined and shared code, a person can bypass the lock. Various models of locks enable different password lengths as well as some additional commands. They’re probably the most widely used form of electronic lock.

This type of access is unique because it can’t be controlled by the person entering. The property owner/receptionist/security guard can grant or refuse access. There are options of video intercom or 2-way voice only to determine the identity of the person trying to gain access.

With a keycard scanner, any authorized person can enter a facility. Each plastic card or fob is encoded so that the scanner may recognize it and trigger the electric impulse. They are the best for offices and large commercial buildings.

These electronic access control methods are by far the most expensive and most advanced. They provide the highest level of security as every person has a different fingerprint, voice, and iris. Therefore, they are used in government facilities and laboratories.

Install an electric lock

For many years, we have been a provider of top-quality access control services to the citizens of Orange County and Anaheim. If you want to install an electric lock system, call at (949) 828-3008 and book our expert locksmiths today!

When it comes to securing your premises, few other solutions come close to the matching electronic access control systems. Since a lot of the companies that provide them have been around for possibly decades, few of them ever bother to update the security features when new vulnerabilities are discovered.

To be fair, a lot of them are unaware of the existence of these exploitable bugs. You might be aware of some of them as well. Here are some vulnerabilities in these traditional systems that might make yours less safe.

Physical access to the system

Traditional electronic access control systems are usually mounted on the side of the door for easy access. They then require a code or electronic keycard to get the door open. Despite being easy to access for intended users, this is a large security problem.

An attacker that knows what they are doing can easily open up the keycard reader and hotwire it without triggering any alarms. Alternatively, a phishing device can be attached to the reader and keep track of any codes entered on the interface while transmitting them to a remote server.

A modern solution is placing the interface on the secure side of the door and installing Bluetooth readers with a large range instead. Unauthorized physical access is thus impossible.

Poor network access restrictions

Internet access is a necessary feature for a lot of access control systems - either via ethernet or Wi-Fi. In this case, unmounting the interface and gaining access to the company’s intranet is trivial. The interface can also be hacked to enable remote access. Either way, any data being sent across the network is now visible to the attacker.

With this regard, the most secure alternative to a vulnerable internet access point is using Bluetooth as an access control method rather than Wi-Fi. This both helps mitigate costs and increase security.

Lack of personal compliance

One noticeable flaw in traditional access systems is that while keycards do provide better security, they aren’t very different from normal keys. This leads to company security compliance policies like not sharing PINs or keeping the cards on their person at all times. These are usually quite difficult to enforce, creating a large security loophole.

Unlike keycards, which can simply be picked up somewhere and used without the knowledge of the owner, or shared PINs which are unlikely to be changed, phones offer more powerful security. People are much more likely to be careful with their phones than a keycard. A system that allows access via an app (which may rely on fingerprint authentication, for instance) is a lot more secure.

Bluetooth loopholes

While Bluetooth is great because it offers less chances for interference as compared to even an intranet, Bluetooth does transmit data unencrypted by default. This makes executing a man-in-the-middle attack that much easier. The solution to this is pretty simple - rely on proprietary encrypted Bluetooth systems instead.

For the layman, understanding these vulnerabilities is pretty difficult, and it’s even more difficult to diagnose them. Speak to an expert today. Call (949) 828-3008 for a consultation.

Biometric keyless door entry system” may sound like something that’s science fiction. It may sound a bit like the kind of thing someone in a lab coat says in a movie before they’re attacked by a robot or something. However, this biometric technology is a very real thing. These locks are some of our most effective, unique and convenient locks as well. They could be the right fit for many living conditions and businesses. In the article below, we’ll explain what biometric locks are and some scenarios where they are perfect security solutions.

About Biometric Keyless Door Entry System

Biometric” is simply a way to identify people by their traits or characteristics. You may be wondering “what does that mean, traits or characteristics?” All that means in this context is identifiers that are physiological. You already recognize people by their physiological traits all the time. When you hear the voice of a close friend or loved one from far away, even if you don’t see them, you know it’s them, right? Voice is one of the most popular biometric lock traits. You can set your locks to open with the sound of your voice or someone else’s. Think about how convenient that is.

A Biometric Voice Lock

If you’ve ever forgotten your keys, you know how frustrating that can be. One minute, you’re all set to get on with your day, whether you’re heading to work, school, or on any kind of social endeavor. Then the next, you realize you’ve forgotten your keys and life just stops. Now, you can’t think about anything or focus on anything without getting your keys. That has to be done. It can eat up an entire day, ruin a day or more, and lead to all kinds of problems. Even worse, when you lose your keys, it can compromise your locks. After all, if you lost your keys, it means that someone else may find them. Someone else you don’t know. The only way to be safe, then, is to change all your locks. That can be even more expensive and time consuming.

Biometric Lock Convenience

With biometric locks, it’s literally impossible to lose your keys. Like, completely, 100% not possible to lose your keys. After all, you aren’t going to lose your voice. Sure, you might be a little bit hoarse or have a cough, but it’s still your voice. The locks are still going to open. Additionally, voice isn’t the only physiological trait that these locks would identify. They also can pick up your DNA. No one’s forgetting their DNA in their other coat, either. These locks will open when you want them to open. Let forgetting your keys and being locked out be a thing of the past.

Biometric Basics

Obviously, this is a complicated, space-age technology. This is the kind of thing that seemed centuries in the future only a few short years ago. That being said, while the technology is complicated, biometric systems all use the exact same three steps in their functionality. That first step is typically called “enrollment,” and it’s exactly what it sounds like.  You (or your employees, tenants, whoever) uses the system and it takes in all your basic information. Your name, perhaps an ID number – it takes all that info. Then, it puts those biometrics to work.

The next thing the biometrics do is that they capture an image, recording or some other kind of stored information of your specific trait. If you’re using the biometric as a voice lock, it records your voice. If you’re doing the fingerprint thing, it records your fingerprint and so forth. From there, the lock gets to work storing it. It analyzes your trait. Then, it’s stored in the lock. Typically, it translates your trait into a graph or code. If you’d like, some of our systems can put this info on a smart card for you. That’s one more way that we make our security solutions to fit your needs.

After the above has occurred, the lock is ready for you. Then, the next time you try to access the lock, the lock makes a comparison. It looks at the trait it has on file for you, then it looks at your fingerprint, or hears your voice or however you set it. Then, lets you in or it doesn’t. The sensor, computer and software all work in harmony to protect and secure your location. These are some of our most popular locks because they provide so much security and they’re so easy to use. We understand how they can sound almost too good to be true. For more information about biometric locks or really any of our locks, head to our website or just give us a call at (949) 828-3008.

A secure office is a safe one. Moreover, an office that’s safe is one where the employees can focus on their jobs. It’s a lot easier to be productive when you don’t have so much to worry about. This is true for employees as well as owners. When employees don’t have to worry about the security of their building, it’s so much easier to focus on their jobs. By that same token, when company owners don’t have to worry about security, it’s that much easier to run a company. We have many different commercial electronic security door locks for your business. We’ll lay some of them out below, but it’s important to keep in mind that each of them can secure a wide variety of commercial establishments.

Our Commercial Electronic Security Door Locks

Have you ever had to make a new key for a new employee? If you’ve done this before, you know that it can be a real pain. It can especially be a real pain if you have a small business. You have to go somewhere and pay to have the key made. Then, you have to give it to the new employee. Of course, often before you do that, you also have to have taken a key from the last employee who left/was let go. You can’t have them using that key to come in whenever they want. That being said, you can’t control who can come in and who’s restricted from doing so, either. It’s this exact conundrum that we created our electronic security door locks for.

Electronic Locks that You Control

When you have our keyless locks, you don’t have to worry about giving another employee keys. In fact, all you have to do to give them a key is to give them a code. You choose the code and then you give it to them. That being said, you can control so much more than just that. You can also pick when you want them to be able to come to your office and when you want them locked out. You’ll control everything about when they come in and on what terms. This way, you never have to worry about the angry, fired employee coming back to cause a scene or worse. We’ve found over the years that when business owners are in control of their security, they’re more empowered to do the right thing.

Secure Keyless Locks

No matter how technologically advanced our locks are, they wouldn’t be worth it if they were easily broken into. Our locks are secure. They provide security, and more importantly, they provide the kind of security that gives a business owner peace of mind. Instead of worrying about your security, remember that these locks have it covered. These locks have secured so many different kinds of commercial buildings and now they can do the same for you. They’ve secured entire shopping malls, amusement parks and other huge buildings with so much foot traffic. On the other hand, they’ve also secured small offices, storage spaces, and other locations that may not be as big but require big security. You can fit our locks to fit what you need them to be.

Keep Track Automatically

Trying to keep track of who comes in and out of your building manually can be a genuine nightmare. If you’ve ever tried to do this, or seen a company that’s done so, you know what a disaster it often turns into. Bad, illegible handwriting is perhaps the best case scenario. Many people may not even write anything, making your records false before you even get a chance to look at them. We knew when we made keyless entry locks we wanted to make sure that business owners could figure out who was in their buildings when. That’s why we made it so easy to generate reports. Now, with just a couple clicks, you’ll have a full, complete report of who’s in your building, when they were in there, and when they left. We’ve always strongly believed that the more informed a business owner is about their security, the better decisions they’ll make.

We hope that our customers never have to use our keyless entry locks in an emergency. However, should the worst arise; your locks will be ready. Press a couple buttons and you can have a complete lockdown. All exterior doors will shut, keeping you secure until the authorities can arrive. That way, the people inside can be fully protected, no matter what’s going on outside. Of course, these locks are just one of our many different kinds of security solutions. Some prefer keycards, other PIN numbers, and still others take advantage of our biometric locks. For more information about how our locks can keep you safe, give us a call at (949) 828-3008 or head to our website.

When you run a business, you know what has to be secure: the warehouse has to be secure. The parking area has to be protected. The storefront, the retail area, wherever the inventory is kept – these all have to be secured. That being said, many store owners overlook getting the right kind of security for their Orange County office. That’s one of the most important places to protect, as it can face unique threats that some of those other critical resource areas may not. In this blog, we’ll cover the different kinds of office door lock system advantages that we offer. We’ll also mix in how these locks might be able to fit your exact office.

An Office Door Lock System for Small Offices

What constitutes a “small office” has changed. In the recent past, a “small office” might have been five to six people. Now, with so many having a second gig or part time job, a small office can be even smaller than that. However, we’ve often found in our line of work that the smaller the office, the more critical the security. A large company can survive a break in or theft better than one that’s just getting started can. That’s why we offer so many different office lock solutions. We know that not every company has that much to spend on a security package. So, we make sure to have locks that can fit any size budget. If you give us a call, we can sit down with you and find the right kind of locks for your office.

Office Locks for Control

No matter the size of your office, you need to be able to control who can come into it. Moreover, you have to be able to control when they can come into your office, too. That’s what our locks are designed to be able to do. We don’t believe that business owners have to be tethered to keys anymore. Keys are bulky; both physically and in terms of who they let in. Keys aren’t discerning: whoever has a key can get in whenever they want. You can’t program a key to keep someone out when you really want them to stay out. Beyond that, you can’t press a few buttons on a padlock to make sure it keeps out contractors or vendors during a sensitive period (or when you just don’t want them there). Our office lock solutions are designed to provide just that kind of functionality.

Let Them in When You Want

Instead of having to worry about giving someone a key to get into your office, with our keyless entry system for business, all you have to do is press a button to let someone in. Set the time they’re allowed to be let in, and a time they aren’t allowed to be let in anymore, press the button and you’re done. Your security is set. This way, you’ll be letting people into your office on your terms. Unsure about who’s coming in and when they’re doing so? With another press of a button, you can generate a full, comprehensive report. It will have all the times when people came and went. This can be invaluable when putting together payroll, timecards, and other time-dependent research about people in your office.

Turn Over Turnover

Turnover can be a struggle for offices of all sizes. Employees come and go. You do your best to bring employees in but not everyone is the best fit for every situation. On top of that, many employees are now contractors and temps. They aren’t supposed to be working at your office for long. So, you need office door lock security solutions that are responsive to this. That’s exactly what our keyless locks can be. Now, when someone leaves (whether they do it calmly, in a huff, or worse) you don’t have to worry that they’re going to sneak back in and take something (or do something) they shouldn’t. Instead, you just have to press those buttons again to keep them out. With our solutions, turnover is so much easier for any size business to turn over to the next employee.

Every office faces different challenges. Security is unique to every company. The right keyless lock for one office could be completely wrong for the next. We understand that you got an office to succeed in your business; not to figure out the appropriate kind of lock system for that office. This is where we can help. When you want to improve your security, give us a call at (949) 828-3008. We’ll go over all of our different keyless entry lock solutions with you. Then, we’ll give you the pros and cons of each. From there, we’ll figure out the right solution for your office together. For more info, check out our site, too.

We have a keyless entry system for business, no matter what kind of business you’re in. Our keyless entry systems can be made to fit any kind of business. Instead of key locks, which give you limited options and functionality, our keyless entry systems can be molded to fit a variety of tenants, stores, buildings and more. Instead of having to adapt your policies to a lock with a key, you can mold our keyless entry system to fit your installation. In the below blog, we’ll go over some particular situations where our keyless entry systems can be most beneficial.

Our Keyless Entry System for Business

You’ll notice that we’ve mentioned an “entry system for business” but didn’t specify the business. There’s a reason for that. Our keyless entry systems can work for so many different kinds of commercial enterprises. We have many different clients in many different industries. From enormous, famous shopping malls with hundreds of stores and even an indoor amusement park to a small business office space that’s just getting started, we provide adaptable security solutions. The truth is that no matter what industry you’re in, goods or services you offer, you have to have adequate security. That’s what our entry systems are built to provide.

Keyless Entry System for Temp Access

Have you ever had a contractor or vendor coming to your property and had to figure out a way to let them in? If you have a lock with a key, this can be an enormous headache. Someone from your business has to be there to let them in. Or, if no one from your business can be there, you have to arrange your schedule just to let someone in. Of course, that cuts into your own time that you could better spend doing literally anything other than opening a door. Beyond this, the solutions get even more disheartening: having a neighbor let them in, telling a contractor or vendor where you keep a secret key, hiring someone for the day to let them in, and worse. We aimed to put a stop to this kind of foolishness.

A Better Solution for Access

With a keyless entry system, you can let anyone into your business whenever you want. If you have a keypad, all you have to do is make a code for the contractor or vendor. Then, tell them the code. That’s it. You can go about your day, free of the burden of having to let someone in at a specific time. Of course, that doesn’t mean that the contractor or vendor will have unlimited access to your building. It actually means the opposite: you can control when they’re able to get in. We make it easy to set “day codes.” Those are exactly what they sound like: codes that let a person in for just one day. You can do that as much as you like. Instead of focusing on letting people in, you can put your focus where it belongs: on your business.

Turnover Solutions

In today’s fast paced and modern economy, turnover is rampant. Maybe your Orange County company is growing and adding many different employees. Perhaps you have an enormous business that has so many people coming and going. When you have many different people coming through your establishment, you need security solutions that can meet that need. Part of “meeting that need” is that your security solutions have to be able to stand tall when new employees are let go or move on to pursue other opportunities as well. The last thing any business needs these days is a disgruntled ex-employee to come in when they’re not supposed to and take info or items best left alone. Again, we provide a solution here as well.

Instead of being at the mercy of an angry employee with a key and a grudge, turn to our keyless entry systems. Now, with just the press of a button or two, you can lock someone out for good when it’s their time to leave. No awkward turning a key back in, no having to tell security personnel to be on the lookout for someone who may have a key, and perhaps best of all: no having to change all of the locks because you let an employee go. With our keyless entry locks, owners are always in control.

Keypads are just one of the many different kinds of keyless entry locks that we offer. Fingerprint scans are effective, unique and very secure. Many of our clients are now turning to biometric solutions, which are the next step past fingerprint scans. Now, you can open a door with your voice, DNA, and so many other kinds of attributes no one forgets at home. For more info, head to our site or call us at (949) 828-3008.

It’s important for Action 1st and you that your property is kept secure. By using an access control system to aid in your security, you can make sure that you life and your property is kept private. Many business owners are opting for an access control system because they can overlook the day’s occurrences, and keep track of any activity that is happening during or after hours. It’s often that accidents happen after longer work days, and it's more often people are approached at night when they are alone. But having a system that requires stricter access could completely turn your company around in regards to security.

How Do These Systems Work?

These systems are designed to replace the traditional lock, providing technology to keep your workplace secure. An access control system can also track who enters your building and when. Additionally, the system can be programmed to track entries and exits throughout the day for your business. Having these trackers can help you, as a business owner, to know who is coming in and out and at what times. Employee accountability can be tricky, and knowing if your employees are actually present in your building can help you run your corporation. Along with that, having a log of employees in the building can help with organization and work histories.

Access Control Systems Are On The Rise

Having an access control system is in popular demand right now for companies both large and small. There are some moments where the system malfunctions, but you can rest assured Action 1st would have a team member at your establishment in an instant to fix any problems that may arise. We understand that there are inconveniences which come with electronic or keyless entry, which is why we provide the best products and services for what you are looking for.

Contact Action 1st For Access Control Options

If you are interested in an access control system, and would like to be provided the best security service in orange county, contact Action 1st. We are built of a knowledgeable and experienced team. Contact us by calling (949) 828-3008. We can answer any questions you have about security and the services we offer. We can install and help you manage your system while enjoying the uninterrupted comfort of your establishment.

For business owners, electronic security is one of the most important amenities to have. The value of your business is extremely important and no one wants to experience a break in or bad intentions. Investing in a security systems has many advantages, especially in light of a lawsuit or robbery. Yet other than those things, having a security system can deter people from causing damage to your property and can help lower your insurance. Any homeowner or business owner should find an interest in installing a security not only to protect their property, but to also receive some peace of mind. Action 1st understands loss prevention, and that security should be functional and reliable.

Access Control Can Make or Break

Electronic security is one of the first options people go for when they need additional support. First of all, security systems work 24-7, and recent many applications allow for you to track when your employees entered the building or suite. In the event anything begins to malfunction, a team member with Action 1st will be available to fix it as soon as possible. Second, security systems have proven themselves to be very beneficial when overseeing property. Whether you are in need of electronic access control for an entire building, or are looking to protect several doors, using an access control system should be your only resort. While lacking human error, an intelligent system can catch what a person can’t.

Convenience and Ease

It is a top priority to keep your commercial property safe and secure. With added electronic security, you will be supplied with all the activity in your business. Unfortunately enough, there are circumstances in which someone may enter a property with the intention to harm, but with a security system that can be prevented. An electronic security system can be set up at all the entry points of your home or property, and if there is any unusual activity you can be notified immediately.   

Action 1st Supplies Reliable Security

If you are interested in a reliable access control security system backed by a knowledgeable team, reach out ot Action 1st. You may contact by calling (949) 828-3008 or emailing We would be more than happy to answer any questions you have and assist you in installing your new, Orange County reliable security system. Do not hesitate to begin using a security system, especially if you are a business owner or facilities manager.

There are many advantages to keyless entry, and extra security is one of them. Most people like to stick with the traditions of using keys, but as our society changes so do our security measures. While we like to abide by what we are used to, we are unaware of the advantages of using new ways of keeping our businesses secure. Being able to work without fear that someone could easily break in provides room for a happier and more comfortable work environment. Many people enjoy working late hours in which they are relatively secluded, and having an electronic locking system can provide additional safety to the work space.  


Keyless entry works through a series of products and motions. As door locks are becoming more advanced, it’s getting to the point where you can open a door by simply walking up to a door with our cell phone or key fob.  Programming has changed in recent years, allowing us to easily make various levels and times of access. There should be two devices involved in keyless entry; your electric locks and you. That’s all that should be necessary when entering your place of work.

Keyless Entry is Easy to Use

Often times the advances in technology tend to be overwhelming or intimidating for some. However, anyone can use the very easy to use software.  An Action 1st technician will spend the time training and go over simple step by step instructions in order to set up the employees for access and the parameters of the system.

Action 1st Has the Experience You Need For Installing Keyless Entry

Loss prevention and electronic security are the main priorities for Action 1st. We understand that professionalism and cautiousness is important to us, and we prefer to deliver as best a service as possible. Action 1st can service Orange County office buildings, schools, warehouses, hotels, hospitals, and other establishments. In the event a keyless entry device is not working, we can have someone there to fix it as soon as possible.  

Get protection you can count on from the leading service provider of commercial security solutions in Southern California.
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